Classroom assessment
You can take the assessment exam on paper or by computer.
Please arrive in the room 30 minutes before the start of the classroom assessment, where you will be met by the room supervisor and, in the case of a computer-based exam, seated at the computer used to take the assessment.
Before the level assessment starts, the room supervisor will ask you for your ID card and then log you into the system.
Only a valid identity card, passport or driving licence can be used for identification, not a student card!
If you need to log back into the system later, you will need the assistance of the invigilator.
The interface of the assessment is divided into three parts: (1) the header, (2) the task sheet and (3) the footer.
The following will appear in the header:
- Buttons to each assessment task, showing the name of the assessment task and the maximum score available on that task. The button on the active task page is light, the others are in grey.
- The language and level of the assessment, the total time available, for the assessment, and the time remaining in minutes. Up to the last ten minutes, the time is displayed in green, and within 10 minutes, a yellow background warns you that the end of the assessment is approaching.
- Two buttons: "Beadás" and "Mentés".
- A "Beadás" You can finish writing the assessment at any time by clicking on this button.To be on the safe side, the system will ask you if you really want to finish writing the assessment. Once completed, you will not be able to continue, so please reconsider your decision.
- A "Mentés" You can save the current status of the test. The system also saves automatically at regular intervals, so you don't really need to press the button, but you can still make an immediate backup at any time. The time since the last save is always displayed on the right of the footer in seconds, with a 10 second update.
Parts of the exercise sheet:
- If the worksheet is so long that it cannot be displayed on one page, it is divided into several pages. In this case, the buttons to scroll between pages (page 1, page 2, etc.) will appear at the top of the page.
- In a written test, the text related to the task (e.g. the text to be read in a reading comprehension task, the detailed instructions in a writing task, the text to be translated in a mediation task) is always displayed on the left side of the screen. You can enlarge the text by clicking on it. If the text is long, you can use the scroll bar to display the parts.
- The instruction for the task is displayed on the right of the screen on a yellow background colour.
- Below that is the space where you can type in the solutions.
- If you need to scroll between pages, you will be warned by a green text below the last question.
You will have to solve the following tasks:
Written assessment
(A2), (B1), (B2), (C1)
- Reading, Task 1
- Reading, Task 2
- Writing, Task 1
- Writing, Task 2
Oral assessment
(A2), (B1), (B2), (C1)
- Listening, Task 1
- Listening, Task 2
- Speaking
When you have completed all parts of a task, a tick will appear in the header of the task page in the bottom right-hand corner of the button for the task.
IMPORTANT: the tick only indicates whether you have entered something in each part of the task, but DOES NOT CONFIRM that it has been completed correctly.
The following will appear in the footer:
- candidate's name
- candidate's id
- start date and time of the exam
- chat box
- a red heart icon, next to it the time in seconds since the last save (3 on the screen below),
- a disk icon with the time in seconds since the last connection to the server (0 on the screen below).
While writing the assessment, make sure that the time elapsed since the connection to the server is no more than 15-20 seconds maximum. If this number is persistently higher, it means that there is a problem with the Internet connection.
Please leave your identification card on the table during the level check, as the room supervisor can check during the level check that the name on the screen and the card match.
In the written part of the computer-based assessment, you can use the built-in electronic dictionary without any restrictions.
In the written assessment, the input section for accessing the built-in dictionary is displayed in the header of the assessment interface. If you enter a word or phrase in this space and press enter, the system will immediately return the words or phrases available in the manual or dictionary of the language.
During the search, you can switch between the manual dictionary and the glossary, and click to jump to related words and phrases.
Some tasks require you to insert words or phrases into the text.
The text appears on the left, with the insertion point indicated by numbers in a frame. The words/phrases to be inserted are shown on the right.
You can do the insertion in two ways: (1) by clicking with the mouse to "grab" the text and drag it to the corresponding number, or (2) by clicking first on the number and then on the selected word/phrase.
Words that have already been inserted become lighter.
If you click on a word/expression that has already been inserted, you can return it to the list, or you can drag a word/expression that has already been inserted to another word/expression, which will then be replaced by it.
Use the "ALAPHELYZET" (RESET) button to reset the text.
The number of elements still to be inserted is displayed at the bottom of the right column. There are tasks where more terms than necessary are listed.
In a listening comprehension assessment, the audio material is recorded out loud in the same way as in a traditional (paper-based) assessment.
The classroom sound system ensures the right quality and the same conditions for all participants in the classroom.
The audio is played continuously, without interruption.
A warning will be displayed 10 minutes and 3 minutes before the end of the level check as the end of the level check approaches.
If there are less than 10 minutes left of the time to complete the assessment, the minute counter next to the "Time remaining" text will turn yellow.
After the assessment time has expired, the system automatically saves the assessment paper in its current state and displays a warning message on the screen.
The assessment paper cannot be continued after the time limit has expired.
The assessment is also closed when the invigilator closes it. In this case, the last version will still be saved.
While you are writing the assessment, we are constantly backing up the data you have entered:
- the system will automatically saves the soulutions in two minutes,
- if you switch between pages or tasks, the system will also automatically saves the solutions,
- you can save the solutions by clicking on the "Mentés" button in the header of the screen, on the right-hand side.
At the bottom of the screen, to the right of the footer, the time in seconds since the last save is displayed, with a 15-second update.
The invigilator can restore text that has been accidentally deleted.
Solutions are stored in multiple locations and are encrypted.
Suspending an assessment
During the reading comprehension and writing tests, you may, with the permission of the invigilator, interrupt the test.
Listening comprehension tests cannot be suspended and you cannot leave the classroom during the assessment.
Computer breakdown
If the computer used for the test fails, you can continue your work on the spare computer in the classroom in the case of a classroom assessment. The invigilator will show you where to sit and log you into the application.
The assessment is completed when
- the assessment period expires, or
- by clicking the "Beadás" button in the top right corner, or
- the invigilator, for some special reason, closes the assessment in the control application.
The closed assessment is considered final and cannot be opened and continued.